Encinitas Friends of the Arts (EFA) is lucky to have Naimeh Woodward at the helm as she throws a hell of a party. On Thursday Dec 6, a group of membership and volunteer enjoyed the entertainment supplied by the professional India Dancer Kirti Srivastava and the African drummers Nana Yaw Obrafo A and Nigel. This terrific combination was so amazing the they pulled the crowd into the performance making it totally interactive. It was modern and culturally relevant at the same time. Woodward announced that the ongoing Passport series produced by the EFA, would for 2019 be a Passport to Dance and if this is a taste of what to come, you should join as a member, join the mailing list or even volunteer yourself.
And by the way the wonderful food including stuffed grapes leaves and cheeses, smoked meats and dip and cookies and chocolates with wine and punch all in great abundance. This is truly the season for good will and we are grateful to have the EFA in our community of Encinitas.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families and friends best holiday greetings!
Patricia Frischer and my husband Darwin Slindee
Photo and video credit: John Campbell from Smorgborg