Arts Businesses

Local Arts Network

The Local Arts Network is the Americans for the Arts resource nationally for arts councils. You must be a member of Americans for the Arts to access these resources.

The Arts Mean Business

Op-Ed Article By Jerry Kern, Councilperson, City of Oceanside Most people don’t think of me as an “artsy” type of guy, despite my wife’s best efforts. However, I do appreciate […]

10 Reasons to Support the Arts

Presented by Americans for the Arts Action Fund 10 Reasons to Support the Arts Arts are fundamental to our humanity. They ennoble and inspire us – fostering creativity, excellence, and beauty. […]

Who Benefits from Arts and Cultural Districts?

By Erinn Roos-Brown, Blogging Fellow June 13, 2013 Many arts districts are centers of economic development. But who benefits more from these cultural hubs — the arts community or local […]

Collective Impact

by John Kania & Mark Kramer Stanford Social Innovation Review access article here